Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod

I'm beginning to grow tired of this "favorite" nonsense, but thankfully tomorrow is the last of those prompts. Today I am to address what my favorite book is. For someone who read as much as I used to, this shouldn't be too difficult.

My relationship to books is similar to that with movies - I don't find that many that I like, but the ones that I do, I read over and over again. There are a couple authors I really like, Meg Cabot and Scott Westerfeld for example. I've read every one of their books I could get my hands on. My current favorite series though, would have to be The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Heather Brewer.

Perhaps it's because it has to do with my love of vampires, and the failure of a take on them that most popular media has done in recent years. Maybe it's because it's a nice mix of light hearted humor and serious tragedy. Or it could just be how incredibly sexy Vladimir is. For a 14 year old half vampire, that is.