Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Really Should Sleep More

Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, an extended period of time without blog posts is a sign that life is either going great, or down the tubes. This past week, it happened to be the latter. Aside from the usual annoyances - dealing with school, my friends and their drama, not getting sleep, et. - my mother was sick.

Not cough cough sneeze sneeze sick either. Thankfully, she's going to be alright, though the whole thing sent my stress levels through the roof. Saturday, in particular, drove me insane. (It didn't help that I was fed up with more than just a few people.)

Anyway, things are cooling off for the time being, and life should be back on track by next Monday. (Hopefully sooner, but I'm being realistic here.)

...I really should go to sleep.