Is it just me, or has this past year been backwards? I mean, generally, I'm somewhat busy during the school year, and then completely bored during the summer. The past few semesters, I've been bored out of my mind with absolutely NOTHING to do. (See blog posts prior to May.) Then, all of a sudden it's May and my schedule is jam packed. Is this what college is like? No, I don't think so. It's probably just me.
Well, anyway, all this contemplation - or rather, random thinking - was brought on by looking at my schedule for the upcoming season. It'll be my first semester with absolutely NO online classes. (Horrifying isn't it?) I'll be taking two required classes - English and Algebra - and two for fun/units classes - Drawing and Choir. On top of the fact that I really, really need to do well this Fall - I won't go into the details, but let's just say my GPA isn't at it's best right now - I still have my cosplay group meetings every week, D&D every week, AND Guild Wars 2 comes out this November as well. (I know, a lot of you non-gamers out there are rolling your eyes at me, but GW2 is serious business.)
Because of all of this, I probably won't be participating in NaNoWriMo this year. (Or maybe I will and just fail miserably. Again.)
Anyway, I digress. As I look toward the daunting season ahead, I realize I should take advantage of the less than three weeks I have left. What does this mean? As soon as I finish cleaning my room - my current task at hand - I will be gaming like there's no tomorrow. Yes, that is my idea of a productive summer. Bite me.