Tuesday, December 14, 2010


When I first read the prompt "fictional book", my first thought was "Is there any other kind of book?" Oh, nonfiction, how I loathe/ignore the existence of thee. BUT that's getting into tomorrows discussion.

Today I'll talk about one of my all time favorite novels, "Peeps" by the brilliant Scott Westerfeld. I first read said book a number of years ago, but recently came across it in a Goodwill for $2 and - of course, - purchased it. And, after rereading it, I fell in love with the story all over again.

The thing I really like about Westerfeld's writing style is that he makes the genre of Young Adult Literature seem more... well... intelligent. He takes a rather common topic like vampires and puts a whole new spin on it - a scientific one, at that. He does his research, putting a lot of fact in with his fictitious tale, yet still manages to keep the story humorous.

I can only hope to one day be as awesome of an author as he.