Saturday, January 9, 2010


While I'm not getting the anime convention filled weekend I'd been planning for months, my friends and I will be going to Santa Barbara tomorrow to see our friend at UCSB. That should be fun. Despite being a SoCal resident, I haven't been to the beach in years.

Though the thought of going that far does sort of frighten me a bit. Imagine how lost we could get. Oh, the possibilities.

I Don't Care

It's funny, all my life I've dealt with people who judge in the same manner, I ignore them. I completely disregard negative comments that I know are not true. And, to be honest, I've never really even cared what other people think of me.

I mean, why should I?

But for the first time in my life, I'm starting to recognize how this stance may negatively impact me. Granted, that probably won't change anything.