Saturday, July 10, 2010


Sooooo, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before or not, but I'm actually in a cosplay group - which is doing a Naruto group cosplay on Halloween - now. On top of that, I have Anime LA (if I go this year) to think of. All of this is within the next six months, but I'm most concerned with what's nearly a year away: Anime Expo 2011.

I already preregistered, know who I'm going with, and have a hotel picked out. Now all I need is to choose an epic cosplay.

And I mean EPIC.

No more of this throw something together at the last minute nonsense, I am determined - nay, DESTINED - to do something amazing this year!


Now I just have to figure out what that something is.


  1. I need to join a cosplay group, ha.

    And what do you mean by epic/amazing? Like visually appealing, or complex, or a character you really like?

  2. Hmmm... both? I mean, I've cosplayed as characters I've liked in the past, but they were all simple designs.

  3. Okay, an elaborate cosplay of a character you love. BRAINSTORM. :P

  4. OKAY! Let's see... possibilities:

    - Tifa (FF7:AC)
    - Lightning (FF13)
    - Rosette (Chrno Crusade)
    - Sakura (TRC)
    - Chi (Chobits)

    I guess I'm partial to Tifa since she's my favorite female character of all time (aside from Winry, but I've been Winry tons of times), but IDK. It's pretty over done.
