Saturday, August 14, 2010

Who Knows

It's another one of those late nights. Yes, I realize it is 8:30am and technically morning, but I have yet to go to sleep - not that I plan on doing so. I'm not sure if it's the sleep deprivation, or a sheer coincidence, but it seems like I always end up rather jaded when this happens. It's like, all the things I hate about life are suddenly on my mind. Maybe it's just because I have all this extra time to think?

Who knows.

Anyway, aside from my random bout of emo, I went to a concert on Thursday night. This is a fairly normal activity for me, and was not particularly different from any other concert I've been to. I became absorbed with the music, jealous of those on stage, and contemplative of life. The usual.

Other than that I -


I just realized I only have two weeks of summer left. WHAT AM I SITTING HERE BLOGGING FOR?!?!?!


  1. I know how this is. Actually i'm kind of experiencing it right now. Something about being awake for too long/not sleeping enough causes it. I only got four hours of sleep last night and it's hard not to think about the depressing things in life. :/

    It's kind of stupid, actually.

  2. Yeah, I'm starting to think that's the worse side effect to sleep deprivation.
