Friday, January 22, 2010

What To Do, What To Do...

I've been super spacey the past couple days. This could be attributed to my lack of sleep, but I don't think so. I don't know.

I've let a lot of work for my online class build up, but it really doesn't seem all that important. I guess some things never change :)

Anyway, I'm kinda looking forward to February, not only is it FAWM ( but I get a week off between winter and spring semester, so that will be fun. Hard to believe winter is half over already, but I suppose it has been three weeks. Just doesn't feel like it.

I'm debating on what to do for FAWM. In everyday life, I randomly write songs based off whatever I happen to be inspired by at the time. (I'm a fairly spontaneous person, in case you can't tell xD) But I was contemplating having a theme for FAWM. Maybe just a word or phrase. Or maybe a story-like theme. I don't know.

I'll figure it out eventually, I suppose.

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