Sunday, June 6, 2010

Standardized Apathetic Testing

So, back in the days of MLK High School, I didn't have many aspirations beyond community college, and... well... I still don't XD

BUT, I did finally get around to taking my SAT for the first time. It was a piece of cake, as expected. I didn't really bother studying or stressing out. I figure if I did fine on my practice test, the real thing is no different, right?

Well, I suppose we'll find out in 2 to 4 weeks.

Oh, by the way, according to my calculator 2 x 2 x 2 = 13.

I never knew that.


  1. Haha, epic. At least you managed not to fall asleep.

    Your calculator is evil. :P

  2. Yeeeeah xD I came close to sleeping towards the end, but still managed.

    The calculator wanted me to fail.
