Saturday, August 28, 2010

So Long Summer

Earlier today, one of my friends mentioned this being the best summer of her life, and... you know what? It was the best summer of my life. Or, at least, the best summer since I started high school, half a decade ago.

Not only have I actually acquired a social life - well, as much of one as a nerd can have - but I accomplished things. Also, a major hurdle, I finally moved on with my life. I finally let go of a lot of the issues I'd been bogged down with, and I must say, it's quite a relief.

I was ridiculously busy, barely got any sleep, and got frustrated more than a few times with people, but I had fun. I can honestly say, I got the most out of this summer, and accept the fact that it's over. Don't get me wrong, I really, really, don't want to start school on Monday, but this is a better state than I am normally in prior to the beginning of a semester.

Come to think of it... my first post on this blog was at the start of a semester. Considering how differently things turned out from what I had hoped for in that post... I'd rather not think too much about what might happen. I'm just going to embrace my impulsive nature, and wing it.

1 comment:

  1. It has been a pretty good summer. :) It's been fun/interesting observing your goings-on, creepy as that may sound, haha. I'm really happy things have gotten better for you and I look forward to hearing more.

