Monday, September 27, 2010


Ever do something and not know WHY you did it? I mean, sure, it's because you wanted to, but why did you want to? Most of the time, I understand my own motivations... except lately. I finally got around to assessing this, asking myself WHY, and you know what? I don't really like the answers I'm finding.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Really Should Sleep More

Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, an extended period of time without blog posts is a sign that life is either going great, or down the tubes. This past week, it happened to be the latter. Aside from the usual annoyances - dealing with school, my friends and their drama, not getting sleep, et. - my mother was sick.

Not cough cough sneeze sneeze sick either. Thankfully, she's going to be alright, though the whole thing sent my stress levels through the roof. Saturday, in particular, drove me insane. (It didn't help that I was fed up with more than just a few people.)

Anyway, things are cooling off for the time being, and life should be back on track by next Monday. (Hopefully sooner, but I'm being realistic here.)

...I really should go to sleep.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blah, Blah, Blah

I am so done with all this school nonsense. Too bad I still have four more years of this crap.

Anyway, I am super tired lately, this may or may not have something to do with waking up at 8 am every morning >.>

Nothing interesting has been going on here, there are just a lot of tedious tasks that I need to finish start. Aaaaand, of course, rather than doing them, I am sitting here being lazy. Surprise, surprise.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back in Blonde

Who said blondes have more fun? Thanks to temporary hair dye, I was a redhead (this is a rarity, for those who don't know I'm a natural blonde) for the past two days - for a cosplay, of course - and I had tons of fun.

All joking aside, I'm more pumped up than ever for future cosplay. Not, mind you, motivated enough to get a job.

I'm not really sure what this blog post is about anymore, I'm just trying to figure out what to do with the extra time I'll have since I was dropped from one of my classes. Work on my art? My music? My writing? My room?

Ugh, an additional three hours a day is NOT enough to accomplish all that.

I need to learn how to budget time. Or something like that. I dunno.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Wing It

As if to redeem itself from the two previous days, life was kind today. I hung out with/talked to a lot of different friends without really intending to. It was also relatively stress free, something I needed.

So, yes, I was dropped from a class, I got a parking citation, probably won't graduate college, and have just been having a really crappy week.... BUT.... I don't really care anymore.

Seriously. I'm so done with caring about things not going as planned. I never used to plan ahead, why start now? I'm gonna wing it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The first week of school was horrific, but today really took the cake. I don't even know what to say.