Monday, July 26, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

It's been awhile, hasn't it?

I've been keeping busy, more or less, with all my friends and what not. It seems like they all want to hang out lately. I swear, I saw one of my friends 4 different times within 2 days.

Lately I prefer sitting at home on the internet. I mean, when we're actually doing stuff I don't mind, but sitting around "enjoying each others company" doesn't always work for me. I'm a restless person, I can't help it.

This coming week is going to be pretty busy too, I'm not sure what to think of it. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


People are a pain in the butt sometimes.

A lot of the time, actually.

It's getting harder and harder dealing with some of my friends.

That is all.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So, we're about half-way through the summer - technically halfway between June 9th and August 30th would be the around 19th or so, but whatever - and I decided to check up on my To Do list for the summer. (Thought I'd forgotten, huh? Well, I did, but I just remembered again.) For a recap, here's what was on the list:

- Figure out why I'm going to college.
- Learn at least 3 more songs on guitar.
- Clean my room.
- Do well in my summer classes.
- Go on an adventure.
- Post at least 15 drawings.
- Finish at least one video game.
- Write at least one story/fanfiction.
- Do a random favor for a friend. This was actually REALLY easy.
- Watch at least 5 movies.
- Read at least 5 books.
- Continue to blog regularly.

I'm not quite half through the list, but that's alright. I've at least done some of it. As far as drawing goes, I'm about 1/3 of the way finished with that goal. With the video game, I've started plenty, I just... you know... have to finish one of them. The story I actually completely forgot about. I'm thinking of doing a Fullmetal Alchemist post-manga, EdXWinry oneshot. Possibly.

"Do well in my summer classes" is a bit more difficult to gauge until final grades are out. (That's still two or three weeks from now.) I haven't been practicing guitar much, as I am a lazy bum. Same goes for the room cleaning.

Then there's the one goal. The big, fat, ambiguous one. Yeah, figuring out why I'm in college. I don't know if I'll ever reach that one. I guess it's becoming clearer why I'm here, but it'd be nice to have a real reason - something beyond the fact that I don't want a job yet.

Oh well, either way, I'm getting somewhere. Maybe I should do these to do list things every season? I mean, obviously it's more effective than "I SHOULD DRAW MORE" or "SOME DAY I WANNA FINISH THIS GAME." Just saying.

Something I *do* absolutely HAVE to do is get back on a somewhat diurnal schedule. Especially if I plan on taking traditional - meaning NOT online - classes this Fall.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Sooooo, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before or not, but I'm actually in a cosplay group - which is doing a Naruto group cosplay on Halloween - now. On top of that, I have Anime LA (if I go this year) to think of. All of this is within the next six months, but I'm most concerned with what's nearly a year away: Anime Expo 2011.

I already preregistered, know who I'm going with, and have a hotel picked out. Now all I need is to choose an epic cosplay.

And I mean EPIC.

No more of this throw something together at the last minute nonsense, I am determined - nay, DESTINED - to do something amazing this year!


Now I just have to figure out what that something is.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


(I posted this on a diff blog too, so my apologies if it sounds different than other posts.)

Oh my gosh, Anime Expo was awesome. Maybe even more awesome than previous years. I can still smell the epicness. (This is a metaphorical smell of course. Rooming with four guys in a hotel room half the size of the average bedroom, I can't imagine I smell too great.) OKAY, so, I'm not going to go into major details about the event, seeing as it was five - technically four, but I went to day zero - days long, I shall summarize.

This year I was with one of my friend who lives in a different city than I, Ethan, and all of his friends. Despite the fact that the hotel was jank, the registration line was eternal, all the food was insanely expensive, I got hit in the face with a sword, and Ethan and I somehow ended up wandering around LA at 9pm looking for my car... the weekend was still amazing.

The bad things were easily outweighed by the good: an epic card game of crazy 8's in which two people fought for third place - first and second were determined within ten minutes - for almost an hour, "shank the cleavage", screwing with idiots via text messages, and some of the most ridiculous conversations I've ever participated in.

And none of that was even at the convention.

The con was amazing too, just adding on to my already great weekend <3